Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 69

getting involved in with my kids or their schools , despite the fact that I ’ m exhausted and do not have the capacity to take on one more thing ? Can I choose to skip this fight and give myself some ease and peace ?

The Visionary Mom

Visionary moms are big dreamers with a deep sense of purpose and impact . They tend to be intuitive , motivated by large outcomes , and trust their gut in a way that many do not . Learning how to connect with those who are not forward , future-thinking individuals will serve Visionaries well - especially in terms of their relationships with family , friends , and coworkers . Visionary Moms who learn how to notice and enjoy the little moments along their motherhood journey can more easily become a thriving and unflustered momma .


Get Grounded . Spend three minutes , ideally after the kids go to bed grounding yourself . Take a bath , stand outside in your bare feet , or just close your eyes and breathe deeply for ten breaths . Becoming more mindful and in the moment can help ease tension and anxiety for Visionary moms .

The Executive Mom

Executive moms feel happiest and most content when they know what to expect and feel a sense of control over their environment and their future . They tend to be scheduled , prepared , trustworthy , organized , and extremely dependable . Executives ’ primary challenge in life is feeling emotionally safe , regardless of what life might throw at them .