Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 68

68 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023
are most effective . When moms can identify their emotional triggers , they spend less time feeling frustrated and anxious . When moms implement an effective emotional support plan , they can recover more easily from setbacks at work or home . When moms acknowledge and celebrate their innate gifts , they can feel more content and confident . And when moms understand their anxiety style , they can better communicate their needs to those they care about most .
The five anxiety styles framework allows moms to understand their core drivers , the most common emotional triggers , and the preventative strategies that are most likely to reduce stress and anxiety in their daily lives . Understanding the Lover , Fighter , Dynamo , Executive and Visionary anxiety styles can equip moms with the knowledge and tools they need to feel more calm , confident and connected .

The Lover Mom

Lover moms value their relationships with friends and loved ones above almost all else . They deeply seek to feel loved , wanted , and liked by others . Their superhero gifts include loyalty , sensitivity , compassion , and dependability . Lovers tend to have unique patterns in relationships ; either becoming highly emotionally dependent on one or more individuals or keeping people at a distance for fear of loss or judgment . Their primary challenge in life is achieving a solid sense of self-love and self-acceptance so they can feel safe , secure , and happy . Learning how to feel worthy and lovable regardless of the actions or words of others is the key to becoming a thriving and unflustered Lover momma .


The Nighttime Tip Jar . Each night before bed , write one trait or quality you appreciate about yourself . Keep these piling up in the jar , night after night . When you start to feel unwanted or unloved by others , dip into the jar and start reading ! Have your children do this as well , and you ’ ll see them develop and expand their sense of inner self-worth .

The Fighter Mom

Fighter moms are survivors and often step up to act as protectors for those who cannot fight for themselves . Their superhero gifts include resilience , tenacity , action , and compassion . Fighters tend to be very comfortable in chaos , challenge , and change . However , this does not always serve them . Their primary challenge in life is moving from a baseline comfort zone of chaos and trauma into a comfort zone of health , wealth , love , and safety . Learning how to feel worthy and comfortable with a safe , healthy , abundant life is the key to becoming a thriving and unflustered Fighter mom .


Conscious Chaos . Ask yourself , what conflict or drama am I

68 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023