Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 53

Bedtime is a magical time . We can shut off our minds for the day and create a garden for our subconscious to grow and flourish . We can also use this time to explore our desires and work through problems that
All crystals have different vibrational qualities .
If you are looking for help from your dreamtime to decide on your next move , a new job or a change of careers , you would choose Fluorite , a stone to help with clarity and vision and to stimulate your intuition .
If you want to use dreamtime to attract a mate , you should choose Rose quartz . It is heartcentered and promotes selflove . It dissolves worries and fears and helps you move forward . Here are some others for you .
Citrine will activate your purpose and erase any negativity . Citrine will put you on your power track and bring dreams to you that will strengthen your purpose .
Moonstone is a gentle crystal aligned with the energy of the moon . It brings forth any hidden secrets that may be preventing you from moving forward .
Amethyst is an overall healing stone . It can sooth your restless mind and help you recover from losses or
Crystals can bring clarity and help you learn from dream symbolism . Each crystal helper has its own purpose and quality and can also benefit you in many ways . Crystals have been used by many cultures throughout time , and quantum physics now suggests that crystals can be beneficial for health and healing . That ’ s because the human brain has the presence of silicon dioxide or silica , SiO2 , which is formed by covalent binding of two atoms of oxygen to one atom of silicon .
Silica , SiO2 , appears as a crystalline form called quartz , which is found in many types of rocks , the second most abundant mineral in the Earth ’ s crust . This very hard mineral is usually colorless . The silica present in the human brain increases our resistance to pathogens . When we connect with the natural energy of crystals we access and stimulate the silica in the brain .
At the cellular level the human body and quartz crystal are composed of the same components . Therefore , that makes the human body receptive to the vibrations of crystals in the deep recesses of their atomic structure . Nighttime and dreamtime are the optimal time for this deep and healing connection .
Bedtime is a magical time . We can shut off our minds for the day and create a garden for our subconscious to grow and flourish . We can also use this time to explore our desires and work through problems that
we ’ ve experienced during the day . All the while , the stimulated silica is healing and mending brain cells . This happens when we are dreaming .
All crystals have different vibrational qualities .
Some are simple and powerful , others more complex . If you want to use a crystal to help your dreams , or to design your dreams , the best idea it to start with one crystal at bedtime , use it for a few days to see if this is a crystal that will help you unlock the information you are seeking .
If you are looking for help from your dreamtime to decide on your next move , a new job or a change of careers , you would choose Fluorite , a stone to help with clarity and vision and to stimulate your intuition .
If you want to use dreamtime to attract a mate , you should choose Rose quartz . It is heartcentered and promotes selflove . It dissolves worries and fears and helps you move forward . Here are some others for you .
Citrine will activate your purpose and erase any negativity . Citrine will put you on your power track and bring dreams to you that will strengthen your purpose .
Moonstone is a gentle crystal aligned with the energy of the moon . It brings forth any hidden secrets that may be preventing you from moving forward .
Amethyst is an overall healing stone . It can sooth your restless mind and help you recover from losses or