Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 50

50 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023
gratitude and appreciation of that time . Committing to schedule self-nurturing on your calendar helps you prioritize you and empowers you to be in control of your time rather than feeling controlled by your schedule . When you create sacred space in your calendar , you will set healthy boundaries with more ease and say no to things or activities that do not serve you . Where can you create sacred space in your day ?

Sacred space in your mind .

or windowsill . To begin , clean the area , set an intention , put some things that are important to you or symbolize what you value , light a candle or incense to bless the area , and take a few intentional breaths sending out gratitude for your life . Visit this place often throughout the day and notice how you feel when you connect with your sacred space . Where could you create sacred space in your home ?

Sacred space in your calendar .

Set aside time on your calendar each day for “ Sacred Self-Nurturing ” to create sacred space in your day . When you put nurturing activities on our calendar you will be more respectful of your time and not schedule other things at that time . Blocking off time and space to nurture yourself elevates the experience to sacred and deepens your
In addition to meditating or breathing intentionally , being mindful of how you talk to yourself can support you in creating sacred space in your mind . Imagine choosing not to listen to the negative and critical messages you give yourself and instead begin to intentionally speak to yourself like you would a dear friend , with love , respect , and encouragement . The kinder and more compassionate we are with ourselves , the more kindness and compassion we express in the world . I love this quote from Lailah Gifty Akita , “ The heart is a sacred space to dwell in .” The more sacred space we create in our minds , the easier it is to dwell in our hearts . How will you create sacred space in your mind today ?

Sacred space in your body .

So many of us are at war with our bodies . We judge , criticize , and treat them poorly . We forget that our bodies are a miracle and blessing , especially when we have health challenges . What if instead we chose to see our bodies as sacred space and honor them with more love , kindness , and respect . Let ’ s vow to stop comparing our bodies to other bodies and celebrate

50 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023