Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 49


“ Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again .”

Living in a construction zone has required me to be more creative about finding new ways to understand and create sacred space . I have always loved the concept of creating sacred space as it infuses any experience or place with intention and meaning . Creating sacred space has been deeply nurturing to me and offers a way to engage in the world through beauty , creativity , and what is important to me . When I travel , I bring a small bag with items to create sacred space wherever I stay , and this has become an important self-nurturing practice .
In the past , I understood sacred space as physical in nature and yet it has come to represent much more to me . When I started meditating fifteen years ago , I found that mediating created more space around and within me to make choices rather than react automatically . That spaciousness felt nurturing and free and fueled my gratitude and appreciation for life . It was amazing to find I did not need to meditate for long periods of time to begin feeling more spaciousness around and within me . I could pause in my day and take ten intentional breaths and embody a sense of sacred space . Recognizing how important meditation is to my self-nurturing practice has inspired me to get up before the construction crew arrives to enjoy the quiet , breathe , and and engage mindfully in my morning .
There are so many benefits to creating sacred space in your life . To begin , as Joseph Campbell highlighted above , “ Your sacred place is where you find yourself again and again .” When you choose to create sacred space within and around you , you demonstrate that you love and value yourself . This small but mighty act will connect you to yourself , provide space to listen to what you need and how you feel , reinforce that you matter , and fuel your motivation to prioritize you in your life . Creating sacred space will reinforce what is important to you and allow you to let go of what is not . As you begin to embrace creating sacred space as a selfnurturing practice , you will transform your life from the inside out .


Sacred space in your home .

This may be the most obvious way to create sacred space . Choose an area of a room you spend the most time in and create a space that feels nurturing and beautiful . You can create sacred space in an entire room or on a desk , bookshelf ,