Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 46

46 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023

Your faculties of cognition are not only veh-icles for processing worldly impressions , they are vehicles for processing “ otherworldly ” impressions .

the Buddha incorporated this four-pronged framework in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness :
Mindfulness of body Mindfulness of mind Mindfulness of feelings Mindfulness of truth
In the early twentieth century , Carl Jung was one of the first to champion a mainstream role for intuition in Western culture , giving it a foundational role in his model of the four cognitive functions :
Jung understood these four functions as the basic methods of perception in human consciousness , and he recognized intuition ’ s role in extrasensory perception , acknowledging that intuition , by its very nature , has access to “ extra ” or “ extraordinary ” information , outside the purview of regular sensing , knowing , and feeling .
Your faculties of cognition are not only vehicles for processing worldly impressions , they are vehicles for processing “ otherworldly ” impressions . Your intuition is your personal translator — turning universal wisdom into personal insight . Using the four intuitive conduits , your intuition distills transcendent , beyond-mind data into a comprehensible language that your conscious mind can understand .
We can call the four intuitive pathways our cognitive functions , our foundations of being , or our intuitive language , but regardless of the words we use , the same process is at work . Intuition flows from universal consciousness through our intuitive pathways and into our own individual consciousness . The beauty of intuition is that , though it comes to each of us from the same transcendent place , the way it touches us is infinitely diverse .
Excerpted from the book Radical Intuition . Copyright © 2020 by Kim Chestney . Printed with permission from New World Library — www . newworldlibrary . com .
Sensation Thought Emotion Intuition
KIM CHESTNEY - Kim Chestney is the author of Radical Intuition . A globally recognized innovation leader and the founder of Intuition Lab , her work has been featured or supported by leadingedge organizations including SXSW Interactive , Carnegie Mellon University , Comcast , and Hewlett-Packard . Visit her online at www . KimChestney . com .

46 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023