Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 45

to deliver intuitive input within you . The only difference is that , instead of coming from the outside world , it comes from the inside world .
Your own natural physical , mental , emotional , and spiritual sensitivities determine which intuitive pathways flow most openly in your life . Becoming aware of your intuitive affinities enables you to better process insight and to open up new channels for intuitive expression within you .
All human beings are built with four primary intuitive pathways that correspond to the four primary input systems or cognitive functions :
Sensing : ( Intuitive Pathway 1 : Physical Intuition )
Thinking : ( Intuitive Pathway 2 : Mindful Intuition )
Feeling : ( Intuitive Pathway 3 : Creative Intuition )
Being : ( Intuitive Pathway 4 : Transcendental Intuition )
Each day , you sense , think , and feel your way through reality . Your intuition uses this same system to bring you information from beyond everyday reality . It flows through your physical body , your conscious mind , and your passionate heart to lead you to the truth of existence . Your intuition will connect to you through any open input pathway available . The more these pathways are open and unblocked , the stronger your intuition will flow .
From ancient times through the modern era , this four-element approach to human cognition has been a highly effective way to understand the nature of consciousness . More than 2,600 years ago , the teachings of