Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 41

– Democritus

“ Happiness resides not in possessions , and not in gold , happiness dwells in the soul .”


– Democritus
for your overall good health . ( I am in the sunlight for at least 20 minutes every day and it never ceases to amaze me at how good I feel afterwards .)

Breathe deep at least 3 times per day

Stop whatever you are doing and take 3 deep , slow purposeful breaths , in through your nose and out through your nose – filling your lungs with oxygen and your soul with renewed energetic life . This brings a sense of inner tranquility and can soothe away any tensions present .


Take a 15-minute walk , preferably in nature

Simply walk at a pace that feels comfortable to you . Pay attention to the ebb and flow of the natural world . There is a sweet sensation that comes over us when we observe the synchronicity of life through animals and plants . The bonus if you ’ re in nature is that being in the sunlight activates your vitamin D , which is crucial


Laugh , laughter feeds the soul

Watch your favorite comedy , hang out with the person you laugh the most with , write down and relive the funniest thing that ever happened to you or simply sit and laugh ( Laughter Yoga is a real thing !) Laughter helps you take things light heartedly and is one of the best forms of medicine . Bonus … it ’ s FREE !

4 Listen to music everyday

Turn on your favorite tunes and listen . Sing if it makes you feel good ; out loud if you can ; dance a little to incorporate movement . Focusing on music can reduce pain , decrease depression , and create a sense of calm . Dancing with the music is energizing and uplifting .