Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 31

picture and energy of the vision board that you have created in your home . What story are you telling through your home ? What story would you like to tell ?

Set Your Love and Relationship Intentions

One of the most common feng shui requests I ’ ve received is how to set up one ’ s home to attract love or a new relationship , or to enhance an existing relationship . As with anything that we want to bring into our lives , we first must set an intention and create space for what we desire . What exactly is it that you want to invite into your life and your space ? Is it a better relationship with yourself or someone already present in your life ? Or do you want to attract a new partner into your life ? Asking yourself these questions first begins to build the energetic foundation for what you are creating . Even if you do not have a complete picture of what you want to attract , tap into how you want to feel on a daily basis once you have that desired relationship and use those emotions as a basis for setting up your home . Once you have a clear intention , there are some shifts that you can make in your home to attract the energy of love and relationship into your life , starting with clutter clearing .
Create Physical Space for the Relationship Once your intention is set , the next step is to make physical space for this new relationship . Looking especially at your bedroom , if the closets and drawers are packed full , where would the person in your new relationship even put their things ? Make some space to energetically announce to the Universe that you have room in your life for a new relationship . If your bedroom and other spaces are full of work items , it looks as if your work is consuming all parts of your life . Is that true ? Shifting and releasing items goes hand in hand with shifting and releasing thoughts about our lives . If making space for a relationship is a priority , how can we adjust other aspects of our life to reflect this ?

Consciously Choose What is In Your Bedroom

When making space for the new relationship , make sure to look at any photographs , gifts , or other items from previous relationships . If the items bring your energy down or remind you of negative aspects of the relationship , release them . If you want to keep the items , keep them in a place other than the bedroom and relationship areas of your home . The first place in your home to make these adjustments is the bedroom because that represents our inner most self . There are other areas of the home that also represent love and relationships that can be addressed while we are making these adjustments .