Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 29

me joy in this room ? What does not ? This simple act of noticing , asking , and jotting down notes led to our shared project we call Home as Sanctuary .
We have painted walls with bright colors , replaced a garden tub with a hot tub , splurged on Egyptian bamboo cotton washcloths and bath towels , and planted seasonal flowers and herb gardens on our terrace . My home office is exactly how I want it : a colorful round rug , meaningful artwork from friends across the globe , and an altar complete with incense , my beloved statue of Ganesha , and a gratitude candle I light each morning .
Does your home reflect your true essence ? Putting intentional focus and energy into making your home the most joyful place you can imagine will improve your attitude and quality of life . What would make your home feel more like a sanctuary for you ?
Is it a dedicated yoga or painting space , new appliances , a better organization system for your spices , new bedding ? Whatever it is , your home should feel like a direct reflection of you , filled with things that bring you joy !

Sprinkling more joy throughout your home

Let ’ s take a little trip around your home and discover how to create an even more joyful sanctuary .
Grab a notepad and a fun marker and take a walk around your home . Stand in the center of each room and jot down your initial answers to each of these questions .
What do I love about this room ? What annoys me about this room ?
What are three things I would like to add / change to this space ?

Small changes make a BIG difference

The next step is to make changes ( large or small ) based on your responses .
That closet full of clothes and shoes that is driving you nuts ? Figure out the next best step so that when you walk into that closet the next time , you smile .
That dead plant that makes you sad ? Get rid of it — and visit a local nursery to find something that is vibrant and alive !

Home As Sanctuary

You are on your way to experiencing more joy than ever before in your home !
Intentionally treating your home as sanctuary helps you remember that joy is absolutely something you can sprinkle more of into your life — whenever and wherever you choose !
Reprinted with permission . M . Shannon Hernandez . Excerpt from Practical Joy : Simple Tools to Cultivate More Joy Every Day .
M . SHANNON HERNANDEZ - M . Shannon Hernandez is ALL ABOUT THAT JOY and has dedicated her life to helping others discover their version of joy and live it fully . She is a former teacher , is the founder of Joyful Business Revolution™ , and has been featured on CBS , ABC , FOX , & NBC . Her newest book , Practical Joy , continues to inspire and teach people that joy is an inside job . Shannon loves reading fiction , snuggling her cat , traveling the world , and hanging with the love of her life , Maria . Find out more at practicaljoybook . com .