Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25

counts . Pausing at the top of the breath and lengthening the exhale are important elements in calming the body and recalibrating your energy to a higher frequency .



Bring your attention to how your body feels . Notice the ebb and flow of your breath as you inhale and exhale . Like the waves going in and out from the shore , your breath goes in and out too .
Try to focus your breathing into your belly on each inhale . As the wave of breath comes in , pause at the top of the wave . Then exhale focusing on the wave going out and pause at the end of the exhale . The longer the exhale the more you will calm the energy down . Notice how you feel as you breathe in and out . Let your whole body be filled with this life force energy . Now focus your attention at your heart and drop down into this space . Feel your body relax as you breathe into this space .



Gently close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath . Simply notice the ebb and flow of your breath as you inhale and then exhale . Whatever is going for you , you are ok . You are in a safe space and your body is just letting you know where you are .
Take a few deep breaths and this time breathe all the way down through your body to the tips of your toes . Now sigh out your fear and any tension in your body . Keep sighing until you feel some space in your chest and diaphragm and some relief of the tension in your body .
Follow your breath to the center of your chest , to your heart center . Lightly place your hand on your heart and notice your energy here . Take a few more deep cleansing breaths and direct your attention to your heart . Breathe in love and breathe out any fear . Feel the connection here to your divine source , the seat of your soul .



Choose a comfortable sitting position-either crossed -legged on the floor ( with a cushion to support the spine ) or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor . Allow the spine to lengthen so that the back , neck , and head are in a straight line throughout the practice . Gently close your eyes .
Begin by taking a full deep inhalation followed by a slow gentle exhalation . Take several rounds of full but relaxed , natural breaths .
Fold the tips of the index and middle fingers inward until they touch the palm at the base of the right thumb ( Vishnu mudra ). You will alternately use the right thumb to close the right nostril and the right ring finger to close the left nostril .
Use the right thumb to close the right nostril . Exhale gently , but fully through the left nostril . Keeping the right nostril closed ,