Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 19

Cultivate more authentic connections .
deep sense of joy that already exists in even the simplest things


Cultivate more authentic connections .

Human connection is a fundamental source of joy and happiness . However , in the age of social media and digital communication , authentic connections can sometimes feel scarce . This is especially true in this time after the pandemic , which left so many feeling disconnected and out of touch for a long time .
Many of us have lost touch with prioritizing cultivating genuine relationships as a means to foster joy in our lives . It does take effort and practice to create and maintain friendships and close connections with loved ones , but it ’ s vital to our joy and wellbeing .
Make an effort to spend quality time with people who lift you up and support your joy , engaging in meaningful conversations and fun experiences . Try seeking out communities and groups that align with your interests and values . Engaging in shared activities and passions with like-minded people not only brings joy , but also creates the warm sense of belonging and support we all long for as humans .
Infusing your life with more joy is completely doable and is part of designing your amazing life on purpose . It ’ s all about making joy a priority on the regular . Doing this can be so incredibly supportive in nearly all areas , as well as help us to attract even more of what we desire . It all starts with being willing to take part in simple but impactful practices and habits like the three I ’ ve covered here .
We all have the power to shape each day to be more joyful , peaceful , and amazing . And , more amazing days add up to a pretty amazing life .