Aug/Sept 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 18

Create the habit of intentionally looking for and noticing the joy all around you every day .
18 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023

“ We all have the power to shape each day to be more joyful , peaceful , and amazing .”

elements of most everything you do , your life will change and you ’ ll be amazed at what you begin to achieve and attract .
Before each task , trip , or project , whether it ’ s a major presentation for work or going to the grocery store , ask yourself qualifying questions such as , “ How can I bring joy to this ?” and “ What ’ s joyful about this ?” This is a powerful approach that can instantly create a more joyful mindset and elevate the energy in ways you and others will notice . These are also excellent questions to ask yourself each morning when planning your day .


Create the habit of intentionally looking for and noticing the joy all around you every day .

This actually takes deliberate intent and practice until it becomes a natural habit . In our hectic lives , it can be easy to find ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts , worries , and distractions , preventing us from fully experiencing the present moment and noticing the joy that can be found all around us all the time if we look on purpose .
Whether you ’ re savoring a cup of coffee , cleaning your house ( yes , even this can be joyful !), enjoying a power walk , working in your garden , or doing a task for your business , bring your full attention to the experience . Notice what ’ s joyful about what you ’ re up to , even in the smallest things . Engage your senses , smile ( this activates the feel-good centers of the brain ), relish the details , and let go of distractions . By immersing yourself in the present moment and looking for the good , you ’ ll discover a

18 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2023