Here are 5 steps you can apply to any scenario to keep you laughing through the maze of holi-day dread . Actually these are pretty helpful throughout the year if you want to know the truth .
It ’ s comforting to know that it is so common that many of us experience family stress around the holidays .
causing mayhem with outright insults and others just giving the usual cold shoulder . It ’ s comforting to know that it is so common that many of us experience family stress around the holidays .
Let ’ s face it , family gatherings can really stir the emotional pot of unresolved emotional wounds .
Here are 5 steps you can apply to any scenario to keep you laughing through the maze of holi-day dread . Actually these are pretty helpful throughout the year if you want to know the truth .
However , in most cases it may be more about our individual perception than actual events . I am not minimizing that there can be the possibility of real emotional residue but in most cases it is just the thoughtless and totally annoying behavior of certain family members that can do us in .
For many of us who have been predisposed to alcohol abuse , we fondly call the holidayshurricane season . A holiday family dinner can turn into a blistering blizzard over dessert faster than you can pour a cup of coffee .
A smart approach is to create a survival plan for when tempers flare and insults fly . My own experience of some less than memorable holiday parties ( some where I may have been the disrupting factor ) inspired me to have a strategy of maintaining my sense of humor about dealing with challenging family members or an insulting guest .
1 Never engage when insulted at a party . Distract the opposition ( who most likely is inebriat-ed ) with compliments on their attire or to thank them for their gift ( knowing they didn ’ t give you one ). It will totally confuse them and they will never admit they didn ’ t bring you a gift .