Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) DEC 2016 / JAN 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue A Miracl | Page 53

law that says, “Like attracts like. Change your energy, and you change your entire experience.” So where do you begin? Key #1: Desire Do you really desire a change? your work, your weight, your relationships, or your bank account, it’s time to choose something different. Many people say they want to change their lives, but very few will follow through to actually create that change. To do so takes determination, courage, and a deep desire to manifest something better. Change begins with the energy of choice, because energy is at the root of all things in this reality. Every moment of every day― whether you are conscious of it or not― If you don’t wholeheartedly desire to change what isn’t working in your life, your life will not change. You will continually experience the same results over and over. “Like attracts like. Change your energy, and you change your entire experience.” The same applies if you are afraid of change, because fear clouds and dilutes desire. Before you can make changes that stick, you must accept that change is a necessary part of life. you are sending out energetic vibrations. Sometimes these vibrations are of joy; sometimes they are of fear and anger. No matter what, the energy you put out comes back to you in the form of experience. If you want to create major, positive change in your life, it’s time to start choosing what you really want, instead of letting your current circumstances, your past, or the other people in your life choose it for you. There’s no magic potion here; there’s no privileged, secret formula that only “lucky” people know. There’s only the Universal If you can delve into the pure heart of your desire to manifest a new life, connect to that spark, and hold onto it even when life throws you for a loop, you will have taken the first and most important step toward choosing a bigger, better, more fulfilling life. Key #2: Have a Vision Once you’re tapped into your desire to change your life, it’s time to connect to your vision. We each have a personal vision―it’s our “why,” our direction, our purpose. While 53 WISDOM & SELF-GROWTH Change begins with the energy of choice, because energy is at the root of all things in this reality.