Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) DEC 2016 / JAN 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue A Miracl | Page 41
Are You Noticing
These 5 Signs?
You’re being honest with yourself. You’re
exploring what makes you happy. You’re
getting in touch with your values so that you
can choose a direction that’s aligned with
them. You know that taking vacations or
retail therapy can make you happy, but only
temporarily. They don’t solve the real problems.
You’ve figured out that you require something
else... or something more.
You recognize that you’ve followed advice
about what should make you happy without
checking-in with yourself first. For example,
you read advice from career experts
who suggested that you take on more
responsibility at work to feel more engaged
and enthusiastic. For some people, that’s
probably enough, but that advice didn’t
work for you because that job is not right
for you. Maybe you needed to figure
out what you really want to do instead.
Being honest with yourself requires more
time and introspection than one-size-fitsall solutions, but you’re ready to tackle this.
You’re eager to create a life that’s more
congruent with who you are.
You’re acknowledging your feelings, even
when they’re different from everyone else’s.
You’re willing to rock the boat because you
know your voice matters. You might feel
uncomfortable at times but you know it’s a
risk worth taking. The alternative is to shutdown within yourself and blend in with your
surroundings, but that leaves a hole in your
When you look at your life, you see that
your family or friends convinced you that
your thoughts were stupid and no one
should hear them. Maybe you were bullied
or physically harmed. So you decided that it’s
better to keep quiet, or parrot other people’s
opinions, even though you knew, deep down,
you didn’t agree with them.
Now you’re exploring what you think and
how you feel, and you may even choose
to express yourself. When you do, you
Regardless of other’s
reactions, you know that
you can’t suppress your
thoughts and emotions
and stay true to who
you are.
recognize the difference between trying
to convince others and simply sharing
your thoughts. Ultimately it’s not about
So I chose to define my life and embrace
what makes me unique, and even though
it’s been challenging at times, I feel freer
and more expansive than I ever have. And
along the way I’ve discovered some feelings
and emotions that you might encounter
when you’re ready to live your authentic life.