Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) DEC 2016 / JAN 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue A Miracl | Page 34

you are driving asking yourself “Is there a better route to take?” This is not done by asking the GPS in your car but by asking your own inner GPS! Your inner GPS will give you a response. Trust and follow your initial reaction. You may Get some delightful surprises to confirm your ‘hunch’! Indeed, it was more than a hunch. It was actually your powerful intuition at play! THE BIG PICTURE: UNDERSTANDING. Using imagery is one of the best ways to understand what you want in your life from the deepest level of your soul. What do you truly desire to have? Sacred Soul Collages, Vision boards and mind maps are a great way to create a visual for yourself. In doing so, you can discover the feeling you want from your life from your inner core. That feeling gives you your truth. Connecting with it is connecting to your intuition. Another way to do this is to create a moving picture of your life. Mind movies allow you to imbed the feeling of your deepest desire into your cellular, physical being and carry that feeling with you as you step through your day. Intuition is like a muscle. It can be developed over time with exercises like this. Encourage it to ‘play’ more often. Have fun developing this skill. Be curious as to what confirmations y