Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) DEC 2016 / JAN 2017 Aspire Mag Full Issue A Miracl | Page 30

Fresh, whole organic food has a high frequency, but processed foods have a low frequency, and these foods lower the frequency of your body. low frequency, so any thought that comes from false beliefs and that creates these feelings, lowers your frequency. The fear of being controlled by others, by God, or even by yourself, creates resistance, which also lowers your frequency. TIREDNESS It is very challenging to keep your frequency high when you do not get enough sleep, or when you are working yourself too hard. Part of your job as a loving adult is to make sure that you get to sleep early enough to get a good night’s sleep, and to deal with any issues that may be keeping you from sleeping. Lack of sleep may be the result of negative thinking - thinking that is creating too much anxiety to sleep, or from a lack of exercise. It is hard to have a high frequency when you don’t get enough sleep. ILLNESS When your body is busy dealing with illness, it may be very difficult for you to raise your frequency high enough to connect with your Guidance. When you are very ill, you need to make sure that someone else is acting as 30 your loving adult, as you are probably not able to connect with your spiritual Guidance enough to access your truth and the loving actions for yourself. HORMONES Our hormones have a huge affect on our frequency. If your hormones are out of balance, your whole body is out of balance, making it very challenging to raise your frequency. Many things affect hormones - food, water, exercise, illness, thinking, feelings, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, aging, the environment and genetics. Because we are mind, body and spirit, we cannot separate our hormones from everything else that affects us in our lives. As with illness, sometimes we need to rely on another to be our adult and help to guide us toward our highest good. FOOD, ALCOHOL, DRUGS, WATER Food has a major effect on frequency. Eating the wrong foods for your body can contribute to insomnia, illness, anxiety, | December 2016 / January 2017