Breathe deeply and bring your consciousness into your brow area . This is your Third Eye or sixth chakra .
There are two layers to a chakra . The outer wheel contains worldly programming and adopted beliefs , such as comparisons to Heidi Klum or the Kardashians , or reactions to ways we might have been treated as a child . The middle of a chakra , however , holds “ Truth .” Within your Third Eye is the portraiture of who you really are … your Higher Self … your essence .
Peer at the mind screen in the innermost chamber of your Third Eye . Imagine yourself looking with clarity and self-love onto a mirror . What does your essence appear like ? What colors , forms , and qualities reflect this core self ?
Another way to arrive at an accurate selfimage is to ask yourself this question :
How does the Divine perceive me ?
Decide to identify with the brilliance that accurately displays you , and you ’ ll feel more like exercising with confidence and joy .
Try reframing everyday movements as exercise .
That ’ s right . When you ’ re lifting a fork , imagine that it is as heavy as a forklift . When vacuuming , compare it to bench pressing . It really is a matter of perception . Consider a study that involved telling hotel maids that their cleaning work was exercise . Guess what ? Their bodies responded dramatically — with decreased blood pressure , body fat , and body mass , within just one week .
Sarah Kiley Watson , “ After High School , Young Women ’ s Exercise Rates Plunge ,” June 11 , 2018 , MPRNEWS , https :// www . npr . org / sections / health-shots / 2018 / 06 / 11 / 618878274 / afterhigh-school-young-womens-exercise-rates-plunge .
Pragyah Agarwal , “ A behavioural data scientist unravels the ‘ exercising gap ,’” August 1 , 2022 , Women ’ s Health , https :// www . womenshealthmag . com / uk / health / female-health / a40769780 / pragya-agarwal-gender-exercising-gap /.
Editor , “ Time to tackle physical activity gender gap ,” July 22 , 2019 , The Lancet Public Health , https :// www . thelancet . com / journals / lanpub / article / PIIS2468-2667 ( 19 ) 30135-5 / fulltext .
Ali Sundermier , 99.9999999 % of Your Body is Empty Space , September 23 , 2016 , Science Alert , www . sciencealert . com / 99- 9999999-of-your-body-is-empty-space .
Be adventurous with your definitions of chores . Okay , so most females carry
more of life ’ s burdens than do males . Whether this is true for you or not , who ’ s to say you can ’ t perceive all activity as sporty ? I mean . Who said you must be wearing athletic clothing to count the calories expended or be lifting huge weights to boost muscle mass ?
CYNDI DALE - Cyndi is the author of thirty-plus internationally renowned books about energy healing , including her recent release , Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete . She has worked with over 80,000 clients and students and loves walking her dogs , hiking , and following her youngest at baseball .
www . cyndidale . com .