April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 71

over a decade ago are still part of my life and business .
Building a few deep connections rather than many shallow relationships will fill you up . These are the people who will encourage you when you ’ re struggling . They will help you plant the seeds and grow your business by being your biggest cheerleader . They will turn to you when they need encouragement , referrals and refer people to you . These relationships are mutually beneficial . You have heard of win-win . Well , this is win-winwin because everyone benefits ! Everyone is elevated by the connection and relationship . Do you value connections , relationships , referrals , working together , elevating one another , win-win-win scenarios ? This way of doing business has shown me that going deep in my relationships and connections with people conserves my energy , reaps more business , more income , and I get to spend the most time with the people I care about and want to give value to .
The concept of Go Deep , Not Wide was created to teach and guide people to grow a referral-based business . Here ’ s the concept . Going wide is always hustling to meet as many new people as possible and growing

“ Building a few deep connections rather than many shallow relationships will fill you up .” a large or wide list of connections . This isn ’ t necessarily bad , but it does set you up for lots of shallow relationships , depleted energy , and increased expenses .

For an introvert , having a lot of shallowlevel relationships is not energy-giving , it is energy-draining because we thrive in deeper relationships with people . There is only so much energy that you can give as an introvert . Spending our time wisely , like with the people in our circle , not only conserves our energy but in some cases may even increase an introvert ’ s energy .
“ It ’ s so important to have people around you that lift you up and that you can lift up too .”
Surround yourself with the most amazing people that totally get you , your business , and want to support you in every way including blossoming friendships . These people have missions and visions that help and support their clients , their community and their message is spreading throughout the world . It ’ s an opportunity to link arms with other introverted women entrepreneurs on their journey and be there to support each other .
JEN JONES - Jen Jones is an author , speaker , and an entrepreneur . Founder of Connect & Elevate , Jen has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and has successfully scaled businesses by building deep , meaningful relationships with her clients that inspire repeat business and referrals , while managing her energy . She lives by the motto go deep not wide . She is the author of Intropreneur : Strategies to Build Your Business as an Introverted Entrepreneur .
Jen Jones