April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 68

68 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022

• The GENERATOR has magnetic energy . Generators are here to respond to the right work and master it by doing things over and over . They draw the ideas in and build them into reality . They have an innate ability to see the next step , but they must have patience and wait for something to respond to before implementing . They are energetic , self-aware and have sustainable energy for work and life . The world of work was made for the Generator . They can just keep going and going , working the long hours , but they must have passion for the work they are doing to be successful .

• The MANIFESTING GENERATOR has fast acting energy . Like the Generators , they are the builders of the world and are here to work and become masters of their work . They are energetic multitaskers and have sustainable energy for work and life . They may skip steps because of their speed so they need to check and recheck their work . They need to have multiple projects going on simultaneously . If forced to do one thing they can become bored and less invested in the outcome .

• The PROJECTOR has penetrating energy . Projectors are here to guide and direct others . They intuitively see the potential and blocks in people and understand how to correct them . They are insightful , intuitive and need periods of rest as they do not have sustainable energy . The 9-5 workday does not honor this about projectors . Projectors are most effective when they have help with the details of running their business so they can conserve their energy to focus on being the visionary and delivering their services .

• The REFLECTORS have mirror energy . Reflectors are wise observers and reflect to humanity how we are doing . They are passionate , sensitive , and unique making up less than 1 % of the population . Their decision-making process can take an entire lunar cycle . This may not be honored by the fast moving , decisive business world , but they can do anything they have the energy for . They feed on having the right people around them so work best with teams .

Your Human Design contains the personal formula for your business success . It dictates the best structure for your business and your services . It gives you clues into how you need to work , the kind of support team you need to be successful , and how much energy you have available to you to build your business . It gives you insight into the best ways for you to make decisions that are aligned with your energy giving you the confidence to be decisive . It helps you understand the best way to find success with sales and marketing . As you delve deeper into your design , you will discover what you are here to accomplish and the natural talents and skills you have to support you in accomplishing this purpose .
Aligning who you are and what you are here to accomplish with the work you are passionate about builds your know , like , and trust factor and gives you your personal formula for your business success .
NANCY OKEEFE - Nancy OKeefe is a Certified Quantum Human Design Specialist , intuitive business coach , and compassionate transformer , who helps women entrepreneurs peel back the layers of who they have been taught to be and how they have been conditioned to do business so they can live their inner truth and build an abundant and sustainable business that feeds their soul . Download your free gift , Align Your Sales and Marketing with Your Human Design Guide here and visit www . NancyOKeefeCoaching . com

68 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022