April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 67

that support you in living your purpose . But , throughout our lives , we are taught by parents , teachers , and society what our role should be in life , what we should do to be successful in business , and how we should live . These teachings , although wellintentioned , do not lead most of us down our true life path to the abundance that is ours to claim . Following the rules does not allow us the freedom to create a business that feeds our soul . It leads us down a path of building our business based on someone else ’ s idea of success .
We embrace the ideas of others because we want to succeed , be accepted , to fit in , and we believe that if we do what we are told to do , we will achieve the same success achieved by those telling us what to do and how to do it . After all , it worked for them , right ?
Many of the rules and formulas in business follow the masculine model . But women are wired differently and much of what we are taught doesn ’ t feel good to us . To be in the flow of success , to find the clients you were meant to serve and help those clients get the results they need , your business must be aligned with your inner truth and your personal formula for success . People do business with people they know , like , and trust . How can people build a trusted relationship with you if what you show them is what you have been told to do and say , rather than who you truly are ?
How do you know what your personal formula for success is ? An understanding of your Human Design can give you that clarity , awareness , and help you align your business energetically with who you are for the best possible outcome for you and your clients .

What is Human Design ?

Human Design is a system that supports you in cultivating a deep understanding of the most authentic , aligned , and high performing expression of who you are . It is a personality instrument that contains your energetic DNA and gives you a blueprint for how you were meant to operate in the world . It contains the keys to your unique life purpose , your natural talents , how your energy works , and the challenges you will face in life and business . It helps you understand how to make choices that aligned with who you truly are in your business and your life so you can create ease , flow , and achieve your individual brand of success , satisfaction , and fulfillment .

The 5 Human Design Energy Types

You are one of 5 Human Design Energy Types : Manifestor , Generator , Manifesting Generator , Projector , and Reflector . Each type has a different personal formula for business success .

• The MANIFESTOR has initiating energy . Manifestors are here to get the ball rolling by inspiring others into action , leading change and getting things started . They can be driven , powerful and impulsive . They have bursts of energy , but their energy is not sustainable so a 9-5 workday can be challenging . They are starters not necessarily finishers . They have an internal creative flow that makes them more of an individual contributor than a team player .