April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 53


This place of peace is “ Absolute Health .” It ’ s from this place of Absolute Health , of inner peace , that healing happens . And it ’ s from this place of peace , that clarity , solutions , and effortless , inspired action arises .

chronic depression and anxiety . Individuals experienced less depression and less anxiety when they could just be with their feelings of sadness or worry . 3 Another study showed that being present with feelings , including difficult ones , leads to longer , healthier lives .
And when it comes to physical pain , recent brain research has demonstrated that feeling feelings can help those with chronic physical pain . Being present with feelings can ease that pain .
Here ’ s my take home message : Being with feelings , rather than resisting or denying them , can move us from dis-ease to ease , to that place of peace where healing happens . What we resists persists . Being with what is is how we shift what is .

Finding Your Way to

Absolute Health and Inner Peace your way to Absolute Health and well-being . Then , I invite you to travel with me to an extraordinary reality in which consciousness transcends space and time and our minds and bodies . A reality in which we don ’ t necessarily begin at birth and end at death — some aspect of us exists before we ’ re born and persists after we die . A reality in which our minds have the potential to move mountains . If these notions may seem difficult or perhaps even impossible to wrap your head around , I offer up the trove of supportive scientific research that can help you to suspend your disbelief . And I share personal stories of seemingly apparent miracles , and explain that miracles are the natural order of things when we get out of the way .

You can find your own , unique way home to Absolute Health , inner peace , and healing . And how you can manifest miracles in your life . Simply . Effortlessly . In this very moment .
Based on the book Beyond Medicine . Copyright © 2022 by Dr . Patricia Muehsam . Reprinted with permission from New World Library . www . NewWorldLibrary . com
In my book , Beyond Medicine , you ’ ll learn how to use the five Absolute Health tools for being here now , so you can experience inner peace in mere moments . You ’ ll also learn about your Four Primary Medicines — food , lifestyle , community and relationships , and purpose — medicines that can help you find
PATRICIA A . MUEHSAM , MD - Patricia , a pioneer in the synthesis of science , holistic health , and contemporary spirituality , has distinguished herself as a practitioner , educator , and research scientist . Dr . Muehsam has been an influential force in shaping the landscape of health-care options available today . She is the founder of Transformational Medicine™ , a whole person approach to health and well-being . www . transformationalmedicine . org