April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 41


“ The present moment is filled with joy and happiness . If you are attentive , you will see it .”

joy and looking for miracles around us is a powerful act that can spark healing and change the world so desperately needs . Practicing joy and celebrating miracles can change the way we look at the world , focusing on what is going well rather than what is not . It turns our challenges into opportunities and encourages us to find the gift even in the difficult situation . It empowers us to take inspired action instead of feeling stuck in hopelessness and despair .
When my mother was struggling with dementia and was unable to communicate or engage with me as she had in the past I felt profound grief , experiencing mini losses every time I visited her . Visiting her in her memory care center became so painful that I had to change my approach . I started looking for miracles to buoy me up , from a smile , to a response when I kissed her cheek , to her calling me darling , to one amazing moment when she said my name after not speaking for some time . It transformed my experience from one of deep sadness to one of profound joy . I appreciated these little blessings each visit and my gratitude deepened and grew for all the experiences I was able to have with my mom . She recently died and I am so grateful for all those miracles I experienced with her that bring me sweet joy in the remembering .
Recognizing that we can make daily choices to fuel joy in our lives is empowering and inspiring . When we reflect on the opportunities to practice joy in our days , we see how this can become the foundation of our self-nurturing practice . When we nurture ourselves regularly we feel more energized , joyful , inspired , grateful , hopeful , and filled with inner peace . When we choose joy and honor the miracles in our lives , we reinforce our value and worth and honor that we deserve to feel good !
Joy is a wonderful portal into nurturing ourselves as it rejuvenates and uplifts us . Cultivating joy is an integral part of any self-nurturing practice and infuses it with energy and love . Discovering what brings us joy may be challenging when we are overwhelmed and exhausted with all the responsibilities of our very full and stressful lives . Please be gentle with yourself on the journey of inviting more joy and miracles into your life . Being compassionate to yourself and giving yourself permission to practice joy is a miracle in itself !

Here are five empowering ways to practice joy and embrace miracles :


Gratitude is a fabulous way to recharge your life and connect with what brings you joy ! There are endless ways to invite gratitude into your day including noticing the blessings and miracles all around you , acknowledging