April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 37

STEP FOUR : Now that the clutter has been removed it ’ s time to arrange what remains to highlight what you love and to create greater flow in your spaces . Below are just three recommendations of areas where you can make adjustments :
STEP FIVE : My final recommendation for inviting more abundance into your home and life centers around the concept of gratitude . Gratitude is essential in this process of attracting more abundance . When we reflect upon what is wonderful about our present circumstances , we are inviting more wonderful things into our lives . When we examine our home and life using a strength-based approach , we are drawn to see what is already amazing in the present . This approach also draws us away from lamenting over what is lacking in our home design and layout . Seeing what is wonderful and enhancing those aspects of your home will invite in even greater abundance .
clearing objects out of our spaces , always do so with your intention in mind . Clear with the intention that moving this object out of your space is creating more space for abundance to move in . Thank the objects for serving their purpose in your life for the time they were part of your life , then send them on for the next part of their journey .

STEP FOUR : Now that the clutter has been removed it ’ s time to arrange what remains to highlight what you love and to create greater flow in your spaces . Below are just three recommendations of areas where you can make adjustments :

• YOUR FRONT ENTRANCE : It is where new , fresh energy is invited into your home . Clear the clutter , and ensure that the door is clean , works properly and opens fully . Put out a welcome mat . Even if you do not use your front door to enter your home , open the door regularly with the intention of welcoming new energy into your life .
• YOUR STOVETOP : It is fire energy and represents abundance . Ensure that the burners are in working order and are kept clean . Rotate your cooking so all burners get some use . Some also amplify the fire energy by placing a mirror or other reflective backsplash that reflects the burners .
Citrine crystals , the color purple and a bowl of oranges also represent and amplify the energy of abundance , but it is certainly not a requirement to purchase more things after you have just cleared your clutter . What do you have that uplifts you , brings joy and makes you feel more abundant ? These are the objects to highlight in your spaces .

STEP FIVE : My final recommendation for inviting more abundance into your home and life centers around the concept of gratitude . Gratitude is essential in this process of attracting more abundance . When we reflect upon what is wonderful about our present circumstances , we are inviting more wonderful things into our lives . When we examine our home and life using a strength-based approach , we are drawn to see what is already amazing in the present . This approach also draws us away from lamenting over what is lacking in our home design and layout . Seeing what is wonderful and enhancing those aspects of your home will invite in even greater abundance .

When we begin to see our homes as a reflection of our mindset and emotions , we can begin the journey of creating spaces that support us in moving towards living the life we truly desire . In addressing the area of attracting more abundance into your life , there are several things we can do to open the doors and invite abundance to be a partner in our lives . As with any new venture , it is important to set an impactful intention and locate ourselves in the present so we can chart our course . Making simple adjustments can create a ripple effect that moves throughout every aspect of our lives and leads us on our path .
FELICIA MESSINA-D ’ HAITI - Felicia is a Soul Empowerment and Feng Shui Coach , who supports clients in bringing their home and life into greater alignment . She is a contributing author to several best-selling books , including SHINE ! Stories to Inspire You to Dream Big , Fear Less & Blaze Your Own Trail . Felicia teaches certification courses in feng shui , space clearing , Reiki , and Soul Coaching ® . Visit www . feliciadhaiti . com to claim your complimentary “ Get Clear on Your Space Feng Shui Starter Kit .”