April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 36

STEP ONE : The first step in creating impactful shifts in your home is to set a clear intention . In setting your intention , reflect on what you desire to experience in your life , in this case as it relates to abundance . What do you hope abundance will bring ? Will it give you a sense of freedom ? Endless opportunities ? Joyful time with family ? Excitement about a project or your work ? Deeply examine your purpose and motivation for wanting to experience abundance ? What will your life look and feel like when you are abundant ? Once you tap into the deep why of your intention , it will become easier to move forward with next steps . Setting an impactful intention also invites in the energy that you want to attract into your spaces and your life . You may want to create an affirmation , small altar , vision board or other reminders of things that will hold the energy of your intention as you move forward .
STEP THREE : The next part of the journey to experiencing more abundance is to remove objects that will not bring you towards your powerful intention . Clearing clutter is one of my favorite topics because it is such a magical way to make immediate and lasting changes in your spaces . In addition to removing objects that you do not use , begin to ask the question of whether the objects make you feel abundant or brings more abundance to your life . It ’ s not about how much the object may have cost , but about the value it brings to your life . When
36 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022
it tends to blend into the background of the overall space where only our subconscious mind keeps track of the messages being delivered and reinforced in our spaces .
One area that women often ask about shifting in their home relates to creating , reflecting , and supporting abundance in their life . There are many ways that this can be addressed . The first question to address , however , is what does abundance mean to you . Abundance can refer to a large quantity of something , prosperity or a few other things dealing with the quantity of something . In what area of your life do you desire to experience abundance ? Is it in your finances , number of clients , amount of free time or time spent with family , or something else ? If look at our homes as a three-dimensional vision board of what we desire to experience in life , then we must become crystal clear on what we are placing on that vision board to be magnified throughout our lives .


STEP ONE : The first step in creating impactful shifts in your home is to set a clear intention . In setting your intention , reflect on what you desire to experience in your life , in this case as it relates to abundance . What do you hope abundance will bring ? Will it give you a sense of freedom ? Endless opportunities ? Joyful time with family ? Excitement about a project or your work ? Deeply examine your purpose and motivation for wanting to experience abundance ? What will your life look and feel like when you are abundant ? Once you tap into the deep why of your intention , it will become easier to move forward with next steps . Setting an impactful intention also invites in the energy that you want to attract into your spaces and your life . You may want to create an affirmation , small altar , vision board or other reminders of things that will hold the energy of your intention as you move forward .


Once your intention is set , it ’ s time to take an assessment of your home . You may do this in a number of ways . One option is to imagine you are going shopping in your own home . Sit with your intention and the emotions of what you desire to experience while you are abundant , then move through each room in your house reflecting on the furniture , art work , colors , and other objects in the space . As you move through the space , ask yourself if the space and each object there represent your intention , are bringing you closer to your intention , or if they are moving you away from your intention ? Being still and tuning into how you feel in the space will reveal to you what needs to be removed , adjusted or highlighted in the spaces . It may also reveal areas of resistance , if you find yourself in a space that doesn ’ t feel good to you but you are reluctant to change .
Now , we have the two ends of our journey , the end point ( intention ) and beginning ( assessment ).

STEP THREE : The next part of the journey to experiencing more abundance is to remove objects that will not bring you towards your powerful intention . Clearing clutter is one of my favorite topics because it is such a magical way to make immediate and lasting changes in your spaces . In addition to removing objects that you do not use , begin to ask the question of whether the objects make you feel abundant or brings more abundance to your life . It ’ s not about how much the object may have cost , but about the value it brings to your life . When

36 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022