April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 33

spirit messages , or something else entirely , the spirit realm responds most willingly to a calm , neutral , open vessel . When we are out of alignment , stressed , tense , or tired there is present an atmosphere of constriction . Establishing a solid link to spirit messages and information can be thwarted . Energy in the form of psychic information doesn ’ t easily flow in a restricted environment . The ideal environment is created through the alignment of our mind , heart , etheric , and physical body . Creating the right conditions for that ideal environment allows our natural psychic abilities to successfully emerge .
We are multi-sensory beings . When our senses , including our sixth sense , along with our body ’ s biorhythms are in harmony , we hit a sweet spot of flow our natural psychic gifts love . Therein the container is created to allow for messages , insights , information , or needed healing to occur . One universal way to achieve this coordinated effort is through meditation .
Discovering the link between psychic abilities and meditation came to me quite accidentally in my mid-twenties . After engaging in meditative practices for the purpose of achieving astral travel ( an out of body experience ), I noticed I was instead beginning to sense the presence of spirits and hearing voices that weren ’ t mine . I began receiving unusual guidance in the form of song lyrics and moving images , which played out on the inner screen of my mind like a movie . It took me some time to realize I had awakened my own psychic gifts . The messages , scenes and information were relevant to what was happening in my life , and helped me solve problems . The link between meditation and awakening my psychic gifts was undeniable .
You do not need to dedicate hours in silence to be effective at meditation . In addition , there is not one single meditation technique or practice that is best or more helpful than another . It really is whatever you want to create . Modern spirituality has made it incredibly convenient to include and incorporate a variety of meditation styles into daily life . We have a multitude of wonderful musicians on YouTube and many meditation apps . to thank for that . If you already have a meditation practice , you are solid . For others , no need to be intimidated by what can be an incredibly simple addition to your already established self-care routines .



Set reasonable expectations based on your schedule and lifestyle .

Begin by setting aside five minutes a day , preferably at the beginning or middle of the day . Avoid bedtime , so you know you will be able to stay awake . You may wish to increase the time for meditation exponentially .


Research different types of meditation .

There is a plethora ! There are breathing meditations , visualizations , silent meditations , moving meditations , or you can create your own . Walking , yoga , house