April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25



and connected with your own inner wisdom . Light a candle and say this prayer , “ I choose my commitments with great care . I devote myself only to the things and people I love while nurturing myself first because my wellbeing is the foundation for all I create . I allow the wisdom within to guide me in this quest ”. Now , take out your journal and answer these questions taking as much time as you need . Surrender to the heart and be one with each moment in this space . Once your journaling is complete , make sure to ground yourself and close this sacred container you have created .
a . What devotion do I have right now that drives me ?
b . Is this a devotion that inspires me , or is it that I feel overly obligated to it ?
c . What would I love to devote myself to ?
Tap on any or all of the EFT spots , asking your inner guidance this question : What do I need to heal , release , align or bring to my awareness to deepen my devotion to myself [ or fill in the blank ]? Then , journal what comes up for you and take action on it . Action is , and will always be , a much deeper wisdom than words ! Do this each day and notice if you have any repeating patterns coming up .
We are going to use the same setup as the first ritual but we are going to be looking at things we may currently be committed to that don ’ t have our full devotion . Find a quiet place inside or out in nature where you can sit and be alone . Breathe deeply in and out until you feel grounded and connected with your own inner wisdom . Light a candle and say this prayer , “ I choose my commitments with great care . I devote myself only to the things and people I love while nurturing myself first because my well-being is the foundation for all I create . I allow the wisdom within to guide me in this quest ”. Now , take
out your journal and answer these questions taking as much time as you need . Surrender to the heart and be one with each moment in this space . Once your journaling is complete , make sure to ground yourself and close this sacred container you have created .
a . Who would I be and what would I choose if I gave myself permission to say no more often ?
b . What would I like to say no to that I am currently saying yes to right now ?
c . What obligations do I need to take off my plate right now ?
Commit completely to being one with the experience of life ; otherwise , halfheartedness will only rob you of the opportunity to participate fully in this beautiful , wild , messy experience called Life . Trust your journey . Trust the process .

Take the complimentary 21-Day Quiet the Soul Journey

Wondering what ’ s next but feel you can ’ t hear your own wisdom ? You ’ re being called to go within so you can hear the messages of your own truth and uncover your next step , so you can create a life filled with balance , bliss , and inner peace . This 21-day supportive ecourse brings you simple , easy practices to nourish your body , indulge your senses and tap into joy . Learn more here .
KIMMBERLY WOTIPKA - NEED Sacred possibilities Mentor and Spiritual Advisor Kimmberly Wotipka empowers women and female entrepreneurs to embrace a life of wholehearted devotion to themselves and teaches them to live from the truth of their heart rather than other people ’ s expectations , and to awaken to what the flow of life wants to bring through them . A Certified EFT practitioner with dual degrees in Business and Spiritual Studies she is honored to help women come home to themselves & take a stand for who they truly are . Kimmberly invites you to learn more at www . KimmberlyWotipka . com and to download your complimentary 21-Day Quiet the Soul Journey .