April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 23


3 Supportive Rituals to DISCOVER WHAT YOU TRULY WANT

( and What You Don ’ t Want )


You are meant to live a really lit-up and turnedon life . Devoting your energy to commitments that no longer light you up is liking putting water on a fire … it dampens your light and energy . And nobody wants to live a damp , dark life .

I have devoted my energy to so many people , projects , and things out of obligation rather than what I really , really wanted . It took me a very long time to see that it ’ s ok to change my commitments , to give myself permission to say no , and walk away if something was no longer right for me .
If you continue to devote yourself to a commitment you no longer want to serve , you are doing yourself a massive disservice . It ’ s draining your life force energy and keeping you from having the richest experiences you can have .
It takes a brave soul to actually break a commitment and move on . There ’ s a lot of conditioning around that for us whether it ’ s a marriage , a career , or whatever based on our worry about what others might say or think . However , it ’ s important to honor the stream of