April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 21

Empaths strongly feel all the emotions of others as if it was their own . An empath can easily become overwhelmed and drained and misunderstand their gift as a curse . An empath feels deeper than the typical person and are often willing to sacrifice themselves rather than hurt another .
An empath often holds themselves to superhero standards . Albeit the intentions might be good , it can be harmful . Empaths are human and are imperfect . They make mistakes . They beat themselves up . They get hurt , and they hide from themselves if they don ’ t understand how to champion for themselves . An empath who doesn ’ t understand their gift , is a disempowered empath , but an empath isn ’ t flawed nor are they cursed , they are the survivors , thrivers , and healers .

There isn ’ t a one-size-fits all empath . Each individual empath has their own gifts within each category of empath types , which includes :

1 The Physical Empath :

The physical empath intuitively will sense , feel , or absorb the physical ailments of another person .

2 The Emotional Empath :

The emotional empath intuitively will sense , feel , or absorb the emotional state of another person .

3 The Intuitive Empath :

The intuitive empath is a channel for of higher knowing and awareness utilizing their intuitive gift .

4 The Earth Empath :

The earth empath feels a deep connection to animals , nature , and the earth with a need to support the thing unable to defend itself .

3 Ways to Sparkle Up Your Empathic Gifts

1 Shake Things Up

Many empaths aren ’ t a fan of change , and yet when things go stagnant , the empath feels an array of low energy emotions deep in their soul . If you are beginning to feel your vibration dip from never changing limitations , sign up for a new class , get into the car and adventure somewhere new , or simply reorganize your space . Shaking up your normal schedule can be the recipe for reigniting your empathy .

2 Feel Your Feelings

Our thoughts , feelings , words , and actions are all forms of energy and everything we think , feel , say , or do create a reality for our now and set pathways for the future . An empath knows this , and often reminds everyone else of this yet dismissing it in their own life . If tears were coins , I ’ d have been wealthy beyond measures by the time I was 21 years old . I ’ ve embraced my ability to tear up as my own empathic gift so much