April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 19

empowered creator consciousness . Choose to align with the Divine and know that you are always safe with the connection to the love in your heart .

Step 3 : Surrender to your faith .

Know that only peace and joy are the final outcome for everything . A lot of the anxiety we feel is tied to not knowing what the outcome will be . Anxiety is a fear of the future , and the unknown is one of our greatest fears . But when we put our faith in God , we trust the unfolding and see that all is always well , and all is in divine order . If you are feeling worried and unsure about the outcome , turn your fear over to the universe and remember that joy is your birthright and cannot be denied to you . You can be at peace and all is well when you trust and put your faith in the hands of the Divine Creator .

Step 4 : Make peace your priority so negativity cannot exist .

In all situations , we have an option to see the dark or the light , to embrace fear or walk in love . Peace lives in every moment when you make it a priority . You may be stuck in fear , but fear breeds fear , which means every choice you make in fear will give you even more fear . Instead , relinquish your control and let love in . Inviting light to all situations will help uplift you and bring you harmony .
If there is a situation in your life you are overthinking or worrying about , look instead at the light within it . Because Source energy and love are in all things , everything is an expression of the Creator . Seeking to see this truth will bring you more peace , and will help ground out any negative charge around the situation . When you realize the Divine is in all things , you see that you don ’ t have to make anything happen . You just allow . See this time in your life as an opportunity to awaken to the truth of who you are . Dive into your awakening — the decision to think and act from love rather than fear is the catalyst to true inner peace .

Questions to ask :

• How can I focus more on the moment and appreciate what is ?
• How can I relinquish control of the situation causing me the most stress ?
• What is my fear , anxiety , worry , or discomfort trying to show me ?
• How can I reclaim my power ?
• What is my faith asking of me ?