April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 18

18 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022

Daily demands and todos can keep you from being fully present on your journey . Instead of giving your attention away to these outside forces , declare , “ Peace is my priority and I detach from drama .”

rising into alignment to your true creator self , one sourced from divine love . Because the reality is , the more you can disengage from the drama happening outside of you in the world , the easier it is to go inward and focus on your own light , and from this connected place you can impact the world with the power of love .
So often the world tries to pull us in different directions . Daily demands and to-dos can keep you from being fully present on your journey . Instead of giving your attention away to these outside forces , declare , “ Peace is my priority and I detach from drama .” Begin by paying attention to what you are consuming — what you watch on TV , what you read on social media , who you listen to for advice . What you consume will ultimately consume you , because we always get more of what we focus on . Be aware of your thoughts and intentions . Stop focusing on what is going on out in the world , and instead focus on your inner world and actively choose peaceful thoughts . Cultivate kind thoughts and see fear for what it is : a distraction and an illusion that tries to manipulate our reality . Fear is a lower vibration ; it takes more energy to stay there because our true self resides in a higher-vibration resting state . This means when you are in fear , you have to work harder to stay there . This is why fear feels heavy , and when we are consumed with worry , we often feel exhausted and anxious ; plus it can weaken our immune system and fog up our reality . But often when you are in joy and happiness , you have more energy , you feel lighter , and time seems to expand . Try these steps to reclaim your power and transmute fear into faith .

Step 1 : Detach from drama .

No matter what you have been feeling , you can shift in any moment into a new , more loving vibrational state . Making this choice , one of committing to love , will demand more of you . Staying in fear is safe because it is expected and what is known . The collective unconscious of mankind is one of fear , the world events pull us into deeper fear , so to break away requires the courage to show up for the light ; but once you embrace it , ease always ensues . At first , it will ask more of you , because you are breaking away from the herd mentality , but as you do , you will find freedom and a magnificent flight of the soul — for this is your true essence , and it is always worth it . It requires radical faith . Faith is believing in what you can ’ t see but knowing it to be true .

Step 2 : Reclaim your creator focus .

A Course in Miracles teaches that God is not the author of fear — you are . When you are in fear , you have chosen to create away from God . We can either be in victim mentality or

18 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2022