April/May 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 17


the more you can disengage from the drama happening outside of you in the world , the easier it is to go inward and focus on your own light , and from this connected place you can impact the world with the power of love .

It ’ s a very turbulent time to be on planet Earth right now , no doubt . With the world ’ s situations unfolding across the globe , it can be easy to fall into fear , hopelessness , panic , and worry . Over the past several months , I ’ ve had many conversations with loved ones and clients about the perspective on world events — through the lens of how do we truly stay calm in the chaos ? You may be wondering since we live in such a turbulent world , is it really possible to find peace ? I believe so and have dedicated the past few years to living the principles of peace and helping others . In my new book , Return to You : 11 Spiritual Lessons for Unshakable Inner Peace , I share the main steps we can take to stay calm in the chaos .

Inner peace is a choice we make daily , moment by moment . It is easier to do when we believe in something bigger than ourselves . The more intention you put into your faith , the more freedom you will feel . In this freedom , you feel certainty — a pure , inner confidence that shines through all your actions .
When we are in fear , the real reason we are upset is because we have distanced ourselves from the truth , which is we are one with the love of Source . Our thoughts are separate from the Divine . We can direct our thoughts into a deep abyss of self-suffering , doom , and gloom , only perpetuating the worst-case scenarios , or we can direct our thoughts back to love , unity , kindness , joy , and compassion . In each instant , we have this choice and option to reclaim our power . I started to do this by repeating , “ My thoughts about my deepest fears are not my reality . They are illusions separating me from love .” I repeated this often , returning myself back to the present moment .
Fear lowers our vibration and takes us out of the here and now . How are you spending your moments ? You can gauge where you are in any given moment by how things are flowing in your life . Do you feel peace , love , abundance , freedom , health , and / or joy , or do you feel frustrated , angry , fearful , overwhelmed , confused , angry , or frantic ? There ’ s no wrong feelings or wrong way to live your life , but I have found that choosing to raise into a higher vibrational state , one of love and joy , is far more rewarding — not to mention it takes less effort . This process is not about spiritual bypassing , or ignoring the current realities of the world stage . It is about reclaiming your power so you are not leaking energy and vibrating in fear , but rather